Pre-pension era, in Banking Industry, a retiree on his receiving retiral dues such as Provident Fund – self and Bank’s contribution – Gratuity, Leave Encashment, Additional Retirement Benefit was forgotten by the Bank as also trade union to which he was attached for over three decades, during service period. His bonds with organization, colleagues were snapped overnight and he felt totally cut off and grappled to adjust to the void created by sudden cessation of linkages with the institutions, colleagues and friends. It was a sort of “corporate death” for a retiree.
In such an environment closely observing the efforts of such retiree to come to terms with changed situations at home and society, Shri V. T. Makwana mooted and placed before few like minded friends the idea/proposal of forming an organization to provide a platform to continue the snapped linkages and foster the spirit of fraternity and fellowship among the retirees.
Late Shri A. A. Raval, Shri K. R. Patel, Shri B. N. Patel, Shri C. J. Pancholi whole heartedly accepted the proposal and after establishing contacts with retiree colleagues in Gujarat, a meeting was convened at Ahmedabad on 17th March 1990 to give final shape to the idea.In such an environment closely observing the efforts of such retiree to come to terms with changed situations at home and society, Shri V. T. Makwana mooted and placed before few like minded friends the idea/proposal of forming an organization to provide a platform to continue the snapped linkages and foster the spirit of fraternity and fellowship among the retirees. Sarva Shri (Late) A. A. Raval, K. R. Patel, B. N. Patel, C. J. Pancholi whole heartedly accepted the proposal and after establishing contacts with retiree colleagues in Gujarat, a meeting was convened at Ahmedabad on 17th March 1990 to give final shape to the idea.
The meeting was attended by -15- retired officers from Ahmedabad, Rajkot and Baroda. After discussions and deliberations it was unanimously decided to form an organization of retired officers colleagues of Bank of Baroda to be known as “Bank of Baroda Retired Officers’ Association.” A formal Constitution and Election Rules was adopted after due discussions. It was decided to organize the Association on All India basis having unitary type Constitution..
A circular was issued on the same day and mailed to retired colleagues known and also to others after obtaining a list of retirees from Head Office, Baroda.Besides this, A communication was also addressed to the Chairman & Managing Director advising formation of the organization and its office-bearers. In that first communication, the following requests were made:
- Extending Holiday Home facility
- Extending Medical Assistance
- Introduction of Pension Schem
The formation of "Bank of Baroda Retired Officers’ Association" (BOBROA) on all India basis was whole heartedly accepted by retired colleagues and within a period of six months, more than 100 retired officers from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh were enrolled. After introduction of pension, the enrollment of members got further momentum and today, after its over -32- years’ glorious existence, its Membership has crossed the mark of 14859+. BOBROA has membership from all cadre of officers, from Chairman & Managing Directors, Executive Directors, General Manager and up to officers in junior level.

Benefits to Retirees

Identity Card
Medical Assistance Scheme
Concessional rates on deposits & more..
Read More →
Pending Legal Issues

100% neutralization of D.A. for Pre 2002 Retirees
Payment of arrears of Pension revision to post
01-04-1998 Pensions
Contact BOBROA

418-A, Lalita Tower,
Behind Railway Station,
Station-Akota Road,